
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2017

AADD; Ada Apa di Dompetmu

Ada satu barang yang pasti selalu aku bawa kemana-mana ketika keluar rumah, dan aku yakin pasti semua orang juga demikian. Kira-kira apa ya barangnya? Yap! Bener banget. DOMPET. Dompet itu penting loh. Biarpun bentuknya kecil, minimalis, tapi di dalamnya mencangkup isi kehidupan (apasih lebay). Fungsi utama dompet adalah untuk menyimpan uang, dan uang itu adalah sumber kehidupan. Kita pasti butuh uang kemanapun kita pergi, kecuali perginya ke rumah temen buat numpang makan atau nagih utang ya hahaha. Kalau dompetku sih, selain buat nyimpen uang juga buat nyimpen yang lain. Kepo ngga apa aja isi dompetku? Baca sampai habis ya. Dompetku Sejarah Dompetku Sebenarnya aku tuh ngga punya dompet. Aku biasanya menyimpan uang di tas kecil atau saku celana kalau mau kemana-mana. Sejak aku pindah ke Surabaya, aku kan pasti butuh dompet biar bagaimanapun juga, jadi ibuk memberiku dompet yang aku pakai sekarang. Dan sebenarnya, itu adalah dompet pemberianku sebagai hadiah ulang tahun ibuk ...

Best of the Best; Memories to Remember

People live to make memories. They do things to be reminded, to be told to their scion, and to be learnt by them and by others. People do different things, from the worst' to the best', so do we. This time, I'd like to review some of my best memories I've made in the past. It's kind of impressive and unforgetable ones. Well, I'd like to tell you about my six months in Kuala Lumpur. 6 Months Living in Kuala Lumpur I had a chance that I've never expected before, that it's living in another country. It's Malaysia. Although the culture is not so different from Indonesia, but it's much nicer there. In March, 2015 if I'm not mistaken, I had an opportunity to held my internship in Impiana KLCC Hotel, Malaysia for 6 months. I had so much precious time there. I love living there. The people, enviroment, facility, and life style are all really nice. The best part is, it's really easy to get to one place to another, there. The public transportati...

Dress Up Diary; My Current Favorite Game

I didn't really like playing games, actually, but to kill boredom, I downloaded some. I was playing many different kinds of games, and all are boring. I was changing some by installed it, then played for like a few days, then I got bored, and I deleted it from my phone. Oftenly, it wasn't last long, only like few days and even hours, because I got bored so easily with most of the games. The only games that remained pretty long in my phone were Line Play, and it was a long time ago. I like it because it has cute graphics, dynamic performance, and offcourse not boring like the others. I can also interract with the other players in some different ways. It doesn't like the other games that we aim only to play to finish the missions or quest. In this game, we have house that we can decorate it with our own creativity. But we have to buy the furnitures in the store using gems that we collected by finishing the quests. The furnitures are all really cute. We can also change our ...

#SARProject Surat untuk Negara; Dear KEMENPAR RI

This is us Tim SAR is back ! Kali ini giliran aku yang kasih tema. Jujur, sebenarnya aku lupa kalau minggu ini adalah giliranku. Aku juga belum menyiapkan tema apapun, sama sekali. Posisiku waktu itu juga lagi di dalam kereta api, perjalanan pulang dari Surabaya. Tapi, Alhamdulill ah akhirny a nemu ide setelah mel ihat petugas kereta api dengan seragam kebesarannya sed ang memeriksa tiket para penumpang. Aku jad i kepikiran buat bi kin tul isan tentang para pelayan negara, seperti TNI, POLRI , Pejaba t, Presiden, da n sejenisnya . Jadi t erpilih lah 'Surat untuk Negara' sebagai tema minggu ini . Simak ya teman-teman. Dear Kementrian Pariwisata Indonesia , Saya in gin mengucapka n banyak terimakasih karena sudah membangun pariwisata Indones ia menjadi sedemikian rupa. Kita ta hu bahwa In donesia memiliki alam yang sangat indah , te n tun ya in i membuka peluang bagi wisatawan manca negara untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia lebih sering. Banyak obje k wisa ta baru mulai ...